Just looked and it is on Netflix PS3 instant streaming so I might have to check it out tomorrow. Thanks for the recommendation.
Don't expect a laugh-fest. It's one of those comedies so dark that it's border-line drama because the protagonist's life is so shitty. Think Dan in Real Life or Royal Tenenbaums, but darker.
The wife and I got it at teh Redbox last night and watched it. I thought it sucked monkey balls.I did chortle at the end though watching Oswalt running from the Philly cops.
I used to be able to judge Chads taste in movies. That was before his confession of love for Observe and Report, he can no longer be trusted.
Observe and Report was the worst movie I've watched in years.
Is that the one with "Git 'er done" in it?
I at least made it all the way through Observe, that pile of shit movie by the fake redneck was the worst 10 minutes in movie history.
You are all wrong about Observe & Report, and I consider you less sophisticated for not appreciating the black, dry humor.That is all.
I get comedy, that was a steaming pile of shit.
This + I would rather be forced to watch a 24 hour marathon of Caddyshack 2
Thanks for joining me at Bunny Skylars Brunch.
In future conversations, you will refer to me as... uh, Mr. Sanderson and I will refer to you as... uh, Mrs. Esterhouse.
That's a mix between Fergie and Jesus.