You know, Craig James may be a douche, no doubt. But, I'm wondering if he's a father who was sold on a sob story by his douche bag son.
Maybe the kid is such a cry baby douche and really sold the story to his dad. I could almost see Craig James being naive a little and thinking his son's version of the story (which I'm sure was embellished) was pretty appalling and reacting to that.
After all, the original story was that Leach threw him in an electrical closet and locked the door. Turns out the kid really strolled out onto the practice field with sunglasses, an iPod, and texting on his cell phone. After being confronted by Leach, the kid says he has to wear the sunglasses because of the concussion. Leach points to the electrical closet and says "there's a dark place, why don't you go hang in there". The kid, with a "fine, I will" smart ass attitude, went into the closet on his own accord and starting taking the pictures/video.
So if the story can get twisted to the media so much, imagine how the kid twisted it to his dad.
Maybe not, but just a thought.