First off greaseybammer, wanna find out if I'm just a "internet tough guy"? Secondly, I don't go looking for anything, whenever something is emailed to me and I feel that it would make an interesting topic on The X, I post it. Whatever you do with it afterwards is your choice. Another thing, who's saying that the article is coming from Auburn? Hell if anything, it's more than likely coming from a Bearcat...but, oh well, don't let realistic probablities come into play whenever thinking about something to write. Also, greaseybammer, I know that it pains you to watch as Auburn is preparing to go to a pretty big bowl game....I'm sure that you would've absolutely loved it if Auburn wasn't going bowling or if Auburn was going to a shitty bowl (Papa Johns). But, Auburn has disappointed you again and done better than you would've ever thought. Here's a suggestion, greaseybammer, keep thinking the worse will happen to Auburn....that seems to be working out so far, LMAO.