Lets get something straight. I did not leave in a snit "While we were winning". I had other things going on and would only post on Wednesdays.
Because you were too fucking busy slapping yourself around and dancing about what a great fucking hire this was. I knew it was not and NEVER wavered in the first degree about it. I just slowed down and watched you shit and fall back in it.....chizik style.
How convenient that your "things going on" showed up around the time the season started and we went 5-0...

and today is not Wednesday... so your thin excuse just evaporated. You are dancing in the graveyard, which is a tacky, tasteless, shitty thing to do.
Not once did I slap myself around over what a great hire it was - I even changed my signture line to "Geaux Tigers" for a few weeks after Chiz was announced - but I also never waiver in my love of all things Auburn. When you show up just to gloat about how bad we suck, and to relish in the failure, then all I have to say to you is a hearty Fuck You. If you are HALF the Auburn fan you claim to be - which I sincerely doubt - then your stupid "hate Chizik for some obscure personal reason you never explained" has blinded you to the point of taking pleasure in Auburn's pain. No real Auburn man or woman would do that. Bitch and moan and complain, just like the rest of us, but taking pleasure in it? No fucking way. THAT outs you as both a loser and a liar, not to mention a shitty excuse for a human being.
I should not have even lowered myself to respond to you, and I feel dirty for doing so. You are unworthy of anyone's attention, and definitely not worthy of any more of mine.
Again, where is the damn ignore button??