And, don't get me started on Coach Trooper...he broke all kinds of protocal, starting before the players took the field.
Also, someone needs to tell Coach Roof and Coach Rocker that they're not supposed to support the Offense whenever we score a TD.
Coach Malzahn needs to be fined for talking to the QB, because everyone knows that the QB Coach isn't supposed to talk to the QB, he's supposed to let him sit over on the bench all by himself and make him wonder what he did wrong and how to fix it.
Apparently Coach Chizik didn't get the Memo that he's not supposed to show emotion on the sidelines...only during horrible calls is it okay to show emotion, but not too much. He's supposed to stand on the sidelines, like a statue, with his arms folded talking only into his headphones.....definately not talking to his assistants on the field.