Worth is relative. He hasn't been right about anything yet that wasn't readily available from your local grocery clerk, shoe salesman, oil change guy or homeless man standing on the side of the street with it printed on cardboard. So take that for what it's worth.
That's funny, because whenever I post "this is what I'm hearing" or "word on the skreets", if what I was hearing comes true....then you can just sit back and say, you weren't right, what you were hearing was right. But, if what I was hearing doesn't come true...then you can just sit there and claim that I don't know shit and that I'm always wrong. If you were actually keeping score, kaos, you'd see that what I've heard has actually been right more times than it's been wrong.
Kaos, you keep saying that Auburn is going to fail with Coach Chizik at the helm, I say that they won't....notice, I didn't say that Auburn would win every game because Coach Chizik is our Saviour. But, go ahead Kaos, keep throwing up all over every post and/or topic that has to do with Coach Chizik, that's what you're good at so why should you stop. Hell, if Auburn goes (9-3) this year, you'll probably throw up all over the topic that's talking about how the season was a success. Your whole, "I hope I'm not right, but I know I will be" has been stale since your first posted it. Keep trying, you'll get it one day :thumbsup: