But, all of this makes me wonder when our disgraceful former president Jimmah Carter will weigh in with Ortega, Chavez, and the Castro brothers? You know he never met a dictator or thug that he didn't like.
I once told a mythical "blue dog"
Democrat socialist acquaintance of mine that Jimmah must be an embarrassment to the Dims. He is like that crazy old uncle (not crazy like Uncle Saini crazy) at the family reunions that runs around with food in his beard, his fly unzipped and speaking incoherently about nothing.....you try to deny him and ignore him, but when you look deep and see his roots, there is no denying that he is family. So many times they try to laugh Jimmah off when he does things like meet and greet with Hamas, but when you look deep down, he is only doing what any other liberal would and wants to do.
I know that has nothing to do with the article posted, but your mentioning of Jimmah reminded me of that.