Let me start this by noting that Naomi Watts has the body of an 11 year old boy and the teeth of a cockney British barmaid. She's not attractive. Has nothing to do with this film, but needed to be plainly stated.
On to D-W. Sorry it took me so long to get to this one.
Not as groundbreaking as the first Deadpool. Still, it was a solid two hours of consistently irreverent, noisy, ridiculous entertainment.
The fourth wall, self-awareness stuff is appropriately mocking enough - of the genre, of the direction of the MCU, of Disney/Fox/Sony, of the entire concept.
The story - as are all current Marvel storylines with the whole multiverse nonsense - is kind of ridiculous and doesn't really work (as acknowledged by a fairly point-blank fourth-wall aside). I honestly think that for Marvel to get back on track and build long-term it's going to have to abandon the whole multi-verse angle anyway. It's a massive failure in the grand scheme. Found it interesting that Deadpool addressed that head on and plainly admitted it was stupid.
Reynolds is good as Deadpool.. Jackman is quality as usual as Wolverine. The rest is really just background flotsam spinning around to move them through the paces.
Enjoyed the injection of past and future Marvel failures (or aborted concepts)-- in particular the absolutely ageless (and attractive, unlike Naomi Watts - you knew I'd tie it back in, right?) Jennifer Garner as Elektra.
The crudity is toned down (again referenced multiple times in wall-breaking asides) "because Disney.." but there are still plenty of quasi-vulgar comments and visual gags along the way, including one long-running joke about the one thing they're not allowed to talk about. Clapton knows.
I have a really hard time seeing how a Deadpool that very clearly knows it's in a movie (dozens of studio and director fourth-wall comments) fits into the broader (now bloated) Marvel multi-dimensional universe. How could you possibly inject this character into an Avengers film or an X-Men (boot, re-boot, re-re-re-boot?) when it irreverently acknowledges the reality we're supposed to suspend in the age of heroes?
Final verdict? Not as good as the first Deadpool, better (to me) than the second Deadpool, definitely worth watching. I'm sure I'm the last person on planet Earth who wanted to watch it who hadn't until now. So this review won't sway a soul.