I'm formulating my e-mail.
Someone fact check me.
Isn't that 17-16 West now that MSU beat Florida?
3-7 over the last 10 now.
I don't disagree with you, but you're preaching to the choir. The guys who matter do not give a damn. I don't think you can make them give a damn. (We still have Chizik, don't we? If email campaigns had a real impact, he'd be selling cars in Evergreen, Alabama right now).
If you look at the numbers you'd think Auburn would be in easily over Kentucky (which won't make the tournament now). But the SEC may only get three entries. Auburn won't be one of them unless they win the tournament.
Kentucky isn't going to get in now unless they win the tourney. But they got more credit because they played -- and lost to -- better teams in the pre-season. Auburn got beat by Mercer. That won't be forgotten and will make AU easy to dismiss.