...and I'd like to make a few things clear.
Eh hem...
If you don't like AuburnChopper1, 2.0.... Well....
Fuck You!
If your pussy hurts because you don't like my posts...
Fuck You!
If you think my posts are too long and you hate reading them, yet you read them anyway, and then bitch...
Fuck You!
If you think that having superior writing skills makes you a better, or smarter person than anyone else on this board...
Fuck You!
If I'm making TigersX.com a bad experience for you, and you feel that what I say makes you want to puke, or in some way impedes your soul, kidneys, heart or any other bodily organs to cease proper function.... See a doctor, or...
Fuck You!
If you are going to judge me as a person, or anyone else frankly on this board based on the actions of a FUCKING SCREENAME AND ONLINE PERSONA....
Fuck You!
If you like beer, football, pussy, talking shit and fucking over your rival at every chance you get, because that's what this shit is all about.....
Fu.. I got the first round of beers.
That is all. Carry on. If you can't read this and see it's time to chill the fuck out a little, and you're taking this as very serious...fuckin' A! ....Come what may, I don't give a shit.