It's so fucking funny to hear all the quotes from Jacobs about how they are just now forming a committee, will hire a search firm, no one has been contacted etc....
But we now hear that Houston Nutt turned us down. Turned who down? The search committee hasn't even been formed...right?
Look, anyone recall last year when CTT was not just rumored to be taking the Arky job, it was reported as fact on TV stations around the State of Arkansas and in Alabama. I saw one of the reporters from Arky come on WSFA out of Montgomery and say it will be announced within the hour. I don't know what really went on behind the scenes but I think it was actually more Sexton throwing false shit their way to get a bigger deal. I can virtually guarantee it's happening now and OM is being played like a cheap fiddle. And no one ever bothers to truly check the story out because they want to the first to break it. Isn't it always, "A source close to the situation said..."?
Do you REALLY think we went after Houston Nutt? Why? If Bobby Lowder and other BOT members are pulling the strings, what in the hell would make them say, "Hey, let's go get that Nutt fella'. He's one hell of a coach."