His name has come up a lot this morning.1) Do you think he would leave GT after just one season?2) Would that system work at Auburn?I'll hang up and listen.
Sure he'd come if the money was right. Yes it probably would work at AU. No, I could not watch AU games anymore, because that is some boring shit. I tried to watch GT a couple of times this year, and was bored to tears with that offense.
I love watching the triple option. When it is hitting on all cylinders I don't think there is a more explosive offense out there. Did you not watch Nebraska in the mid 90's? Leading O in the country averaging 50 pts a game? How can that be boring? Watching a coach run the spread dumping off 5 yard passes 50 times a game is boring. Watching Stacy Danley run off tack 50 times a game for 3 ypc was boring (yet effective). It was more exciting when we threw the ball to Stacy.
It absolutely boggles my mind that anybody can watch Paul Johnson's option and be bored. It is the most fluent beautiful offense in college football when ran the way Paul Johnson runs it. It is absolutely fantastic to watch a running game beat the shit out of a defense that knows exactly what play is coming and still can't do anything about it.
Main Entry: flu·ent Pronunciation: \ˈflü-ənt\ Function: adjective Etymology: Latin fluent-, fluens, present participle of fluere — more at fluid Date: 1585 1 a: capable of flowing : fluid b: capable of moving with ease and grace <the fluent body of a dancer>2 a: capable of using a language easily and accurately <fluent in Spanish> <a fluent writer> b: effortlessly smooth and flowing : polished <a fluent performance> <spoke in fluent English> c: having or showing mastery of a subject or skill <fluent in mathematics
Fluent? You mean that shit speaks to you while you watch it? Man you must be some kinda offensive guru.