I was there. It existed.
Gum squirted. Evel flew. Bottoms were bell. Cuts were butt. Farrah’s nipples were on point. Steve and Jamie were flesh and steel. Hotels were in California. Saturdays were for fever and fighting. HR’s stuff was Puffin. Guns were loved by demons and star children. Bay Cities were Rolled.
I was there and it was glorious.
Long enough to equal the original post, but that's what I do.
Funny, because I was thinking something similar today, but more in regard to what causes such an incredible chasm in our nation. Just check all the threads on whatever social media platform you like, and you realize nothing has changed, with the exception of Republicans being in control. The hatred and vitriol are just as prevalent as ever.
I was thinking back to a much simpler time, before cell phones, 2,883 channels, puters etc. The national news came on from 5:00 to 6:00 in the evening. Your local news, weather and sports came on for 30 minutes at 6:00 and 10:00. If you watched, you were given the actual news, regionally, nationally and globally. You were told what happened, without bias, opinion, or the need to try and influence the way you thought. You took it in and decided if it was important, and formed your own opinion about it.
Then, you had cable and the advent of the 24/7/365 news cycle through CNN. It's just my take, but I think as technology advanced, and people had more viewing choices, a non-stop cycle of the same news every day became less and less appealing to the public, and the networks had to morph into something different to attract viewership, sponsors and $$$. It became less about the news, and more opinion based coverage, and what better, all-encompassing topic could there be than politics?
I have no idea about the reasoning, but CNN and the other major networks became increasingly liberal, and very hostile towards conservative views. In a gusty gaytor move, Rupert Murdoch saw the opening to cater specifically to that conservative segment of the population, and started Fox News. MSNBC was created right about the same time.
Fast forward to today. News is a thing of the past, and these networks have long realized that polarization sells. You're one side, or the other. Liberal or conservative. Everything revolves around politics, and the only reason to actually report a news event, is to find some way to spin it and make the "other side" look evil.
I have seen several reports recently that showed the coverage of Republicans/Trump/Conservatives by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC over the last 8 plus years, was anywhere from 91-95% negative. Fox is the only real conservative network out there, and I would venture a guess that they're in the 98-100% range for negative coverage of the Left. It's what they were created for, and it's also why I stopped watching years ago. It's not news. It's opinion designed to make you hate the other side. And it works. It sells!!!
And now, social media has allowed that polarization and hatred to rise to levels never seen before. Like me, you may say, "Well, I don't watch any of those networks". You might not, but you are absolutely affected by them. It all originates there, and we all hear and see the talking points through friends, family and the bookfaces, twatters and instaslam. Everybody has a voice, and everybody takes a side. There is no in between, no give and take, no compromise. Truth has no place in all of this, and as long as something is repeated enough times, it takes truth's place.
You would think our country is embroiled in a civil war, and I place the blame squarely at the feet of our media. In the infamous words of one, Ron Burgandy:
"News going twenty-four hours around the clock? A channel that's never off in other words?...No offense, but you are stupid. But a fat paycheck is enough for this anchorman with salon quality hair to give it a go.”
Ron was right.