Ron Paul & Bob Barr '12.
I think after the spending Obama's going to do, Republicans will abandon the reactionary redneck element and focus on their core principal: Small government.
That will be a good thing for this party, and for America. In that respect, Obama winning this election was the best thing for the Republican party in the long term.
For once I may actually have to agree with you AUChizad (except for "Bob Barr" who is about as worthless as a bucket of warm piss).
Although I don't agree with Dr. Ron Paul on a few things I think that he had the right idea, that is, instead of running as a loser third party candidate, he attempted an effort to change the Republican Party from within. As I've opined here before we (Republicans) need to get back to our roots and stop practicing "liberalism lite". Conservative Republicans can win elections by delineating our platform from the
Democrats socialists with concepts like smaller government, balanced budgets, lower taxes, less government spending, less intrusive government entities, border and immigration enforcement, responsible free-market enterprise and, yes, more individual freedoms which should especially appeal to the dope-smoking Libertarians.
Speaking of Libertarians, that fucking idiot Allen Buckley (running as a
turd-party candidate for Senator here in Georgia) has done NOTHING but cause what may have to be a run-off election between the incumbent Republican and the leftist Democrat...thanks.
Be a real patriot and embrace your new president even if he wasn't the guy you wanted to be there.
He'll have to
EARN my support.