Ok, so Doug Jones was never going to win re-election anyway. The Republicans could have run Pennywise against him and Jones could have spent the $36 million or so he's spent to have his ad run LITERALLY twice every six minutes on every station in the state and he would still have lost.
He hasn't done himself any favors with the shitty ads he's running. His wife looks like a hostage. His "mask up" ad was patently absurd. All the ads he runs of himself wearing a hunting vest or plaid while he's standing in front of a fucking green screen would be great parody if he wasn't serious.
All that aside, I have a pretty basic question. Why was Doug Jones elected? What was his mission? Was it :
a) To express the will of the people he represents
b) To side with the national party over his constituents
Too often Doug Jones sided with the party over his people.
Could he have been re-elected? I think he could have because he's essentially a non-threatening douche. Not much real ammo to use against him except his performance. There he flopped. On the things that mattered to the people of the state he was elected to represent, he ignored what we wanted.
> He voted to impeach the president based on a phony narrative pushed by a rabid cabal of Californians. Probably 75% of the state opposed the position he took.
> He voted against the confirmation of Barrett yesterday. Again he substituted the will of his party for the will of his people. The vast majority of people in this state supported the confirmation.
> He voted against the confirmation of Kavanaugh. Once again, he did what the party wanted and turned his back on the people he represented.
WE wanted Kavanaugh. WE supported ACB. WE didn't back the fraudulent impeachment. Jones gave us the middle finger. THIS is what's wrong with the political system as it currently stands. We have a ruling elite (both sides) that are elected to represent US and then don't. Out in Cali (and here, too) the same assclowns keep getting elected and keep shoving their own personal agendas down our throats. How many times have we heard Pelosi, Schumer, AOC and fuckholes like that (and the fuckholes on the other side) say "the American people" It's not their JOB to represent "the American people" or to speak for "the American people." It's their job to represent their constituent base. That's not what's happening.
I truly believe that he could have given himself a real chance against Tuberville (or whoever) by simply doing what WE wanted as opposed to what THEY wanted in these three instances.
Other than his stance on abortion, if he'd just done our will and represented us in those three instances, I think he might have had a good chance at staying in the seat. And isn't that what he was supposed to do anyway?
Was he elected to represent himself or to represent our will on a national level? Because if it was the latter (and hint, it was) he failed miserably.
I'll go further. I think Tuberville is a terrible candidate. Terrible. But he's better than that corrupt piece of shit Bradley Byrne by a long shot. So I voted for Tubs because there just wasn't any better option other than sitting it out. If Doug Jones (as much as his face and his wife's face sicken me) had opposed impeachment and voted for Kavanaugh and Barrett? That would have been enough for me probably. I would have choked down the vomit and voted for him because he's probably a better legislator. But I can't trust the fucking weasel with my vote if he's going to defy us all on the things we want because some grizzled ghoul from California and a smarmy bitch from NY tell him to. So I can't pull the lever for you, Doug.
You know what, Mr. Jones? You should have taken the $36 million you shoved down the democrat's toilet on this campaign and given equal shares to everybody in the state. By democrat math, that's $1.8 million each. (Real world, it's only $7.38 to every man, woman and child but it would have at least bought us all a #1 meal at Chick Fil A).
Side note: I don't ever want to see him or his wife again. They creep me out.