This betting is weak. Sorry.
I will offer to be the go between in a bet between gf and kaos but let’s make it 2500 to make it at least a little more interesting. I will only charge a 7% vig since you’re both stand up guys.
I will also side bet k 1500 that AU will improve total yards for season and at the same discounted vig.
Not only that but I will side bet GF 1500 as well that AU will NOT improve in total yards for the same 7%. Because I like you both so much. And losing money ain’t shit, when it’s creating a good time for all. I’m willing to make it rain.
All in fun. Payout is contingent on all bets being paid day after season stats are tallied. If someone does not pay up, they have to motorboat the other parties bung hole, 3 times in a week.
But, if you are scared to take the bets, I can understand. Would no doubt prove that you are a huge pussy, though.