I have been quietly reading another board for years, I dont comment much there but I have noticed a trend lately. It seems that they have almost become appologists for Coach Tuberville. I have supported him for years and think he is a good man and a great coach. However, the way things have gone over the bast few years have me concerned. It seems as if we are hitting a plateau, and that is where I am concerned. It seems like Tubs is slowing down and I am just not sure he can get us over the next few humps. I am starting to think that maybe its time for a new direction, before we lose more momentum. I am not inclined to say "fire him now" but the comments I have read elsewhere make it seem that if you question Tuberville you question Auburn. Auburn is not one man, and neither is the football program. I feel like I can appreciate what he has done and view his career as a success while still thinking maybe both sides would benefit by moving on. With so many questions about the future, I think its important for people to realize that sometimes change in football is good. Just my opinion.