So, the Dims got their way and had the FBI run their 7th investigation into the man, which again, turned up nothing. Spartacus Booker says that regardless of guilt or innocence, he shouldn't be confirmed...because? And all of this because someone named Christine Ballsy Ford, waited 36 years to send a letter making claims that she can't back up in any way, shape, form or fashion to a Democrat Senator who sat on said letter until the 11th hour, just before the confirmation vote. Said Democrat Senator had said letter and NEVER once questioned Kavanaugh about it both in public and private interviews, but then decided it was relevant just before he was certain to be confirmed. Every single person named in said letter and by Ballsy Ford in her testimony, who she claims as a corroborating witness, say it never happened and she's full of shit. Even her own family won't speak on her behalf.
You see, this is one of the reasons I pull for Trump. I didn't want the man as my President. I stared at the ballot in disbelief that he and Hillary were my two choices. I had studied their positions on every issue out there and actually agreed, line item with his platform. But, I thought he had made too many enemies along the way to get anything done. Then, he gets elected and the absolute childish, mean spirited and flat out biased way the media had covered and portrayed the man, turned into and all out onslaught. And almost 2 years into his term, the Democrats are now on to their 50th contrived controversy to try and bring the man down. And make no mistake, this whole fiasco and circus the Democrats have created, has nothing to do with Kavanaugh. It's about Trump because he nominated Kavanaugh.
So, now Kavanaugh will most likely be confirmed. Not for sure. Either way, the latest attack on all things Trump will be over and the media and Democrats will move on to the next controversy that will surely be Trump's down fall. Oh wait....taxes. smh