Back to Barker.
I never liked the sanctimonious holier-than-thou twat. I didn't care for his opinions or his commentary.
I know some things about his high school sweetheart and her love of the railroad.
He was a terrible radio announcer, constantly spouted cliches, constantly babbled stupid phrases like 'as well as', couldn't go an hour without mentioning the 1992 Tahd team and -- at least in my mind -- truly believed he was somehow morally and intellectually superior to Auburn and its fans in every conceivable way. I hated hearing him speak and I stayed pissed off at Del Greco when I used to halfway listen to that show because Al wouldn't take him on and just let him fill the air with crimpson puffery.
I once did a guest spot on Dunaway's show because I criticized Barker and that show so harshly. He didn't disagree.
Do I ever want to see anybody fired from their job. Well, frankly, yes. But I'm not wishing the guy dead or anything.