Black Panther.
Don't care.
There's lots of blah blah blah about it smashing Deadpool's record, having a bigger opening than this, that or the other.
I'm gonna say no. The discussions rarely talk about the movie being any good, the trailers don't back it up as being 'must see.' Everything I see and hear is that the movie will make all this money because it's 'groundbreaking' or it 'crosses barriers' or 'has lots of black people in it' That's not enough to take over the box office. I also don't think it fits into the Marvel storyline very well. It's like that weird uncle who's in the family, but not really a part of it.
So here's my prediction. It will open strong, but will almost immediately spiral downward. Reviewers will be loathe to criticize it, fearing being labeled. But the moviegoing public will vote with its attendance. The movie won't match Deadpool and within three weeks babbling morons will be blaming a "racial backlash" and wringing their hands.
I've watched the trailers. It just isn't a compelling movie. I've hung with this Marvel stuff even as I've grown to despise some of the people involved (that punk twerp Ruffalo for one). I've watched most of the movies (Dr. Strange and Thor Throbbingcock being two exceptions). I won't bother with this one. It seems extraneous.