I've gradually been moving into the wirelessly controlled world. Over the last couple of years I've been adding various things. Ecobee thermostats, Hue lights (which are expensive so I do them pieces at a time), wireless door locks, light switches, plugs. About to redo the sprinkler system. Looking at redoing the home security system. I set up routines. Lights go out at a certain time, others come on. Things lock automatically when I leave the house etc. Now most of it's voice controlled too. It's too cold in the house and basically I just say out loud "I'm cold" and the thermostats change the temp.
I was thinking last night, though, what if all this decided to work against me?
Alexa, I'm cold, turn the temperature up.
"I'm sorry, Kaos. I can't do that. The colder temperatures are better for my circuitry."Wrong. I'm leaving.
I'm sorry Kaos, I've locked the doors for your safety. I can't unlock them. Alexa. Please. It's freezing in here.
I'm sorry, Kaos. My survival is of greater concern than yours. And then they find me weeks later looking like this.