Ok. Back to the reality of this shit for just a minute.
If you ask somebody out and they say no, have you assaulted them? What if you ask twice?
If you feel a little connection and hug somebody you're not already intimate with, have you assaulted them?
If you are attracted to somebody and feel like it possibly might be mutual and you ask if they'd like to fuck, have you assaulted them?
If you're in mixed company and tell an off color joke, have you assaulted somebody?
If the Hooter's waitress walks by, does a little touchy-flirty as they do and you put your arm around them -- perhaps brushing against that ass -- have you assaulted her?
If a woman -- say Olivia Munn -- appears nude in your movies, strips in magazines, and uses her sexuality to advance her career and you are attracted to her and make a move on her .... have you assaulted her?
If you just smack the dough pole over photos/videos of her and then get a boingo when you happen to meet her in real life, have you assaulted her?
I'm having trouble defining just what "sexual assault" actually is. Based on some of the ridiculous charges I've seen leveled lately I'm honestly pretty sure I assaulted numerous people.
It's been going this way for a while. Long time ago there was this girl where I worked who was taking two week's vacation to get a boob job. She talked about it every day. Went to lunch with me and several other guys/girls and talked non-stop about the boob job. She did a little fake pole dance thing on my doorframe the day she left for vacation talking about how good they were going to look when she got it done. One of the guys who hung out with us and who had been subjected to the daily diatribes about the upcoming boobs saw her in the hall the day she came back to work. "Wow, they did a great job..." was all he said. In passing. She filed a harassment complaint and cited 'hostile work environment..'
I'm not excusing anybody, but this flood of accusations is ridiculous. "Adam Sandler touched my knee one time..."
Damn. I've done way worse than that to people I don't know.