When MTV stopped showing music videos, they died a rapid deathESPN has stopped simply reporting sports news. They will die a rapid death as well.
VH1 is no different. They show about 3 music videos at 5:00 a.m. Otherwise, it's 23 plus hours of Flavor of Love, Basketball Wives, I Love NY, Hippity Hop Girlfriends etc.
MTV, at least for now has a classic channel that they show videos. You get one from the 80's, the rest from the 90's and 52 minutes of commercials. I DVR'd that channel, watched it one time and hit the red button.
Same. I recently found it on my dial as well. 90's Nation is the shit.
My kids have no real concept of what MTV even is. No way they could get their minds around TBS Night Tracks.
Yea but I'm waiting for Friday Night Videos to make a comeback.
I want to see the private reel on Loverboy.
Me too.I'll be loving every minute of it!
We'd certainly be the lucky ones.
And Gilbert Gottfried in USA Up all Night.
Rhonda Shear.Recognize.
Welcome back to USA UP All Night
Back on Fespnia.Want another example? How can a former NBA player get seats close to the team owner, start so much shoot that security has to come remove him, then be forcibly removed and arrested after numerous assaults on said security...and ESPN paints it as the owners' fault and legitimizes the former player's actions because the owner hasn't made moves to make his team successful?
Back on Fespnia.Want another example? How can a former NBA player get seats close to the team owner, start so much shit that security has to come remove him, then be forcibly removed and arrested after numerous assaults on said security...and ESPN paints it as the owners' fault and legitimizes the former player's actions because the owner hasn't made moves to make his team successful?
Ehhhhh. There was more to it than that. That security detail screwed the pooch on that one and escalated a situation to red hot that was only luke warm when they were brought into it. The head security guy was also fired after having a history of things like this with this incident being called "the last straw". Sorry but Oakley has a history of being temperamental. Best course of action is probably not to surround him with 7 guys and put your hands on him.