I respect the office. And I wanted him to be the great. And not be what we thought he was. But that didn't happen. He's what we thought he was. An ideologue. A radical. Who will stop at nothing to achieve his alinsky goals. It's what he is and he will not ever change. Like Bill Clinton, he's a very sharp and charismatic guy who did nothing to to tap his talent for good. Instead he used it for the end goal of his party and their mission. People often forget the culture war HE started not Trump. This is why Trump voters were angry.
Revisit 2008 when he made many asinine statements (and actions) that year and the few after about many things that people would consider insulting: spreading the wealth, "typical white people", guns and religion, all that was evil about W, his associations with Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers and Wright, his nasty rhetoric against cops almost from the start, his rhetoric against anyone who supported traditional values. The list goes on. Those things offended me and many others. But we were told he was the president and it is what it is. So life went on. No one tried to obstruct him from actually being the president. In fact he had a blank check the first two years like Trump is going to now.
So yeah forgive me if I think he's a POS of a person. And he also owns HALF the national debt now. Bloods is on his hands there. Spin that.