My political Christmas wishes:
1) I wish my president, our president Donald J Trump would forget that there's this thing called Twitter. Or at least realize that it's not necessary to react to every slight, real and perceived. I think he's going to do a great job, I'm satisfied (for the most part) with the Cabinet he's assembling and other than his random Tweeter storms, feel like he's handling things well so far. But stop the tweeterances.
2) I wish Robert Bentley would go away. How this clown remained as governor and how he continues his fondling corruption I'll never know. Darling Becca never left his side, she just went under the desk. Now there are rumors that his appointment to Jeff Session's seat comes with the string that the appointee take Sweet Cheek's humiliated husband along courtesy of a federal appointment to a cush job. Our state government is one of the most corrupt in the country (rivals New Jersey based on what I've seen), but the creepy sleaze of Bentley is a new level. Not just how greasy it is, but how unapologetic he is about it and how he continues to invoke God as if he has some moral authority the rest of us don't. He's terrible.
3) I wish the country as a whole will get fed up with the political correctness run amok that threatens everything that isn't fringe or minority. I'm tired of seeing any reference to Christianity removed while we cater to Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Taoists, Pagans, Druids, Atheists, Agnostics, etc. One person's "discomfort" at seeing or hearing a Christian reference should not be cause to eliminate it. This whole idea of separating church and state has been taken in a direction that was never, ever, ever intended.
4) I wish all celebrities would keep their political opinions to themselves. Gene Simmons gets it right. I wish my president, our president, Donald J. Trump, would appoint Gene Simmons to some federal position. It's too bad Gene -- born in Israel -- can't run for the office when Trump leaves in eight years. He'd make a fantastic president.
and oh...
6) I wish the guy who writes this whiny tripe would catch staph from the cuts the sand in his vagina causes.