In all seriousness, I knew he had a legit shot but I never really thought he'd win. Too much of a long shot. And I've never liked the man. Surely I've said so before on here. But just as Kaos pointed out numerous times, I couldn't vote for her.
As a business owner who saw first hand what 2008 could do by being in a business directly tied to the housing market, I desperately hoped Obama would see great success. If you are in small business, you already know how that turned out.
So, I'm paying more for health insurance now than I ever have. $1,600 a month. It's up by more than $500 the last increase. Before Obama, was on a Cadillac plan for around 1k. Now, it's a Dodge Stratus for $1,600.
When we had more employees, we at one time offered health plans and paid half. Saw the writing on that wall and thankfully had already stopped that. There was no way we could afford it. Talked to a friend of mine last week. His company has always paid 100% of the employee's coverage. Stopped last month. They realize it is not doable. They still pay over half.
I am just glad that I'm not the only one fed up with: the establishment, big government, political correctness, black lives matter, entitlement attitude and people expecting me to pay more than my share.
This probably won't make a huge difference in my wallet but at least it's a vote saying we are fed up with this. And we may not be many but we are enough to get a guy elected.
So, for all of you who have had to make payroll in the last 8 years, congrats.
Now, if he does half of what he's promised, I will be amazed.