If the shrew can't beat back the Aardvark and keeps getting stunned in places she expected to win, what really makes you think she will "landslide" Trump?
Aardvark should have been a warmup, quickly gutted and stuffed. And she's such a hateful, awful waste of human skin she can't even do that. Trump is 10 times the politician Cryptkeeper is. His personal magnetism is much greater than The Old Man And the Sea.
I know there was a map posted somewhere. I've seen other maps that contradict it.
I've felt all along that only someone seen as "non establishment" and "not part of the current political circle" could knock Clinton out. Whether Trump IS that or just pretends to be doesn't matter. That's how the people who can block Hitlary's path to the White House see him.
It's why, despite all his faults, Trump is palatable to me.