This is what I picture most of you guys driving:
2008 Lexus 4 door, I'll have you know. It has the Camry Insignia on the front. Not sure how that happened. But it will go well over 80 MPH. Takes it a few minutes to get there but it'll do it.
It only had 100k on it when I bought it for $7,500. Had a new catalytic converter put on last month, thinking that could be my power issue--(it stalls out when I take off from a dead stop, no problems when going fast) As fate would have it, it's usually when I'm trying to jump into traffic in front of an oncoming 18 wheeler or something. I've had to just turn my flashers on and coast off to the side a few times. Converter didn't fix it.
But hey, it's paid for. And they haven't squished me. Yet.