We get it dude. You don't like the black guy. You like old crusty white guy aka Santa Claus Sanders. Youre a racist. We get it.
You are a classic case of forming convenient rhetorical "facts" around your opinion, rather than forming your opinon around the real facts.
You do realize that a differing opinion on how we are here, or why someone is gay, or what religion you like or dislike - has almost ZERO effect on how well the country will do with that person being in charge dont you? Carson doesn't personally like the idea of being gay. So what? The Supreme Court did their thing on that regardless. If Barry O. had been against gayness too, it wouldn't have mattered either. Thats how the system is setup. Its also why W's defense of marriage act was never deemed Constitutional. What does matter is numbers, jobs, foreign policy, monetary policy, inflation, leadership, etc etc...not a campaign of: billionaires are bad, the koch brothers are evil, corporations need to be abolished, i want to play robinhood and give everything to everyone for free blah blah blah....
You drink all this Bernie kool aid and rhetoric if you wish, but if you do you are part of what is wrong. You are choosing to gloss over the 2 dozen or so idiotic things that guy has said and stands for that make NO SENSE, while dialing in on 1 or 2 personal opinions and mannerisms of another guy you don't like that have such a low % chance of actually making it into policy documents. Thats ideology at its finest, and that makes you part of the problem. And people like Bernie target people just like yourself in the form of class warfare and fiery rhetoric that has NOTHING behind it. Its populism run amock into pandering. And all you are going to get in the end is massive amounts of debt ala Greece now and the Soviet Union (in the 90's), and a society that is dependent on themselves for nothing, and the man for everything. Facts be damned though dude. But go ahead and keep focusing on him closing his eyes (he has an eye condition) and Trump's hair (he was born with it, sue him). The country will go far basing their decisions off those two things.