Surely it falls somewhere in one of these categories of inalienable right: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
No. No it doesn't.
The gays are alive, nobody's killing them these days much.
The gays are free. They're not being jailed unless they commit crimes.
They can pursue whatever they want. Doesn't say, mean or intend that whatever they pursue must be federally protected, funded, given the same weight as anything else, legalized, etc.
Choosing to be a pedophile isn't federally endorsed. That's a lifestyle choice. One guy chose to pork a pig in the Wal Mart bathroom. Lifestyle choice. Arrested. Even if he'd taken Petunia Pig home and diddled her -- what he does in his own home is his own business, right? -- he'd be subject to arrest and incarceration. What if it makes me happy to be naked in airports and shit in mall kiosks? Can I pursue that? What if it makes me happy to climb into the store window at Macys in NYC during the Thanksgiving parade and jerk off furiously as Santa passes? Lifestyle choice. I choose to be a Santa fancier.
Once you open the door for one deviation, you can't close it for others.
Idiots in the courts and legal profession have twisted the very meaning of the protections we were provided. At no point was that meant to be interpreted as "anything goes..."