I think its a little odd that the state made drugs illegal because of the other crimes that tend to occur around or in the area of drugs, yet those crimes have less and less actual penalty. Seems like crime in general is punished more lightly, yet new laws are created every day. Maybe there's just a finite amount of justice in the country and every crime draws from our limited well.
I say hang some of these thieves from a tall tree and it might not have any effect on crime whatsoever but I'll feel better.
Might put some of these use of force incidents in perspective as well. "hey, the cops shot some guy when they were trying to arrest him for robbery last night"...."well, we were gonna hang him anyway, fuck it." Speaking of use of force there's some good video of cops paralyzing an old man with the peoples elbow and another shooting a guy that early reports indicate may have been armed with a rock. Both should be a shitshow.