FWIW, I have it from a reliable source that the honorable judge doesn't and didn't care about any of this shit. Gay marriage and the commandment debacle were straight up pandering. On the commandments he kinda got locked into an untenable position and rode it on into its inevitable conclusion strictly so he would be a "martyr" for the Bible folk. And it worked.
I don't know. But, I'll just say that if he doesn't mostly believe in the causes that he takes a stance against/for then he certainly has me fooled. And he's made some terrible miscalculations of risk. The guy is no dummy, imo, regardless of how people feel about his stances and/or pandering.
Even if he was garnering attention by refusing to adhere to a ruling from a higher court, he risked a lot by doing so. I don't think he would've done this if he didn't really feel like it was the right thing to do. In other words, I don't think he is only playing politics.
He is pretty good at playing politics, mind you.
Personally, I'm a state's rights man and I appreciate his stance on the Ten Commandments. At the same time, I'm not all the way with him on the gays hitching up. Regardless of their fast descent down a one way slope to hell, they have just as much right to be miserable as I do. I think they should be able to become legally married or civil unioned or whatever in the hell they want to call it.
I don't, however, think that churches, bakeries, wedding planners, etc. should have to participate if they choose not to. But, the courthouse people should give them their certificate if they pay the $10 just like they would any other tax paying citizen.
They should be able to have the same legal rights and misery as heteros.
That's how WT sees it.