You used to be one of ...... them.
Oh, fuck you. I only got mod powers so I could post a sticky with the TDA Bowl games each week - seriously. I never modded anything but the one time someone used the c-word. My comment to Adam was a regular old post, full of wit and sarcasm which TOTALLY escaped him. I had no idea how to ban anyone, nor would I have (okay, fine, except for that bottomfeeder guy, but hey, considering that I was either preggers or post-partum at the time (can't remember, my memory of that time is a bit hazy) he was lucky I didn't) (and I didn't want to ban him, I wanted to rip his motherfuckin' head off and shit down his neck twice before I ran him over with a backhoe while yelling "I got your tinfoil hat right here, you fucktard!!") (just sayin')
And yeah, well, you used to suck David's hoo-hoo-dilly - you guys were TOTAL BFF's...