What else is there than by title?
K said he wasn't a president. He is the president. I'd figure you all were better than the Facebook-conspirators who truly believe he's an evil Kenyan sent by Mecca to destroy the country.
He's just a president like Bush, Clinton, and Reagan. Whether or not he makes good or bad decisions doesn't change the fact that he's the president.
He is the president, yea he sure is. But he not presidential, he is not a leader, he moves to what ever direction he thinks will win him the most points, first he was opposed to gay marriage and then he was for it and so on, doesn't like something in a law he goes around congress and just has it rewritten. And it is a big ass dead horse I know but had bush pulled some of this crap the MSM would have been all over him. But he gets a pass.
Bush (either one) Presidential, leadership, fan of the military.
Clinton-Smart enough to stay out of the way of the tech boom and let the economy grow. (Too busy poking an intern anyway).
Reagan-Exactly what the country needed after the abortion that was Jimmy Carter.