Look at a few QB's in the playoffs this weekend. NO and Seattle have QB's that might go 5'10. Brees has set all kinds of records during a long career. Russell Wilson was a scrambling, make-something-happen player with an okay arm. Got him playing within the offense....he seems to be doing fine. Thug Newton and Colin Klaperdink are two that made their living running around and making shit happen. Both have been reigned in, to an extent, and are having great success playing within the offense.
I agree that I'd like to see them take the governor off Newton. It'd be more exciting, but I also think he'd wind up going all Vick/RGXXXXIIIV and his career shortened. To me, I think Manziel is sharp enough and has all the tools that if he gets in the right system with coaches that will keep him somewhat in check, he could make a decent NFL QB. You can't take away all the man's creativity, but you can't let him go full tard every play either. In the NFL, that results in pavement pizza.