I am not covering for anyone. Pick and chose your battles man. First, this picture isn't definitive in my opinion. Dude really could have light colored hands. Second, what does it matter. What if they lightened the picture up or even substituted the black guys head on after the fact? Who cares? This is not the same as buying football players cars. This doesn't break any rules. It doesn't even make them look bad.
However, it does make Auburn fans look like a bunch of richards by pointing shoot like this out IF the picture is legit. It's like the boy who cried wolf. If we bitch about absolutely everything, no one is going to hear anything...
Jesus. Get the bee out of your butt. It's not about you defending it.
I'm talking about places like al.com defending it as legit without question. It's about the experienced PHOTOGRAPHER who made the initial claim being harassed into retracting it. It's about that same photographer who initially questioned the photo being a graduate of UA and having sideline access to photograph football games -- unless he takes it back and says he was wrong.
It's about the guy in the picture being (supposedly) a junior at Alabama. Wait... he graduated what?
It's about the pattern of deceit. It's about anything they say being taken at absolute face value without question.
When somebody produces an unretouched photo of a two-colored man, then ok.
But unless it's one of these guys, I don't think that's gonna happen.
It's about accountability. If they'd just admitted it nobody would care. Other colleges have shopped black people into their pictures to create a false sense of diversity. Admit it, people laugh and move on. But no. Too arrogant to do that. Have to stick to the lie.