Was in Winn Dixie on the frozen aisle. Girl about 10 or 12 wearing a bama t-shirt. Big sasquatch looking daddy with his 14 cap (guess he couldn't afford the newer 15 one) and a ratty bama tshirt with the sleeves cut out.
He puts a frozen pie in the buggy the girl is pushing. They wander along toward the frozen breakfast foods and this is the conversation.
G: Deddy, is this like devil food pie?
D: Hmm. I dunno. It's chawklit.
G: Well it says devil food.
D: Naw, it says chawklit.
G: Naw, deddy look. It says chawklit SATAN pie. That's like devil food, ain't it?
D: Reckon so. I just thought it'uz chawklit.
I had to look.
Behold Chocolate Devil Pie.