Don't get ahead of yourself. If you're genuinely outraged by this, then I agree with Wes.If you note the symbolism and shake your head at the irony, that's perfectly warranted, IMO.
Let Mit Romney do it, and see what you think. Especially in an alternate universe where he won the presidency and was in the midst of a week where his misuse of government agencies for his personal benefit were hitting the media.I'm just sayin', it's pretty symbolic.
Here's where I come down on this:My boss sometimes asks me to do shit that I'm way overqualified for and that could be better delegated to someone else.I have to do that shit anyway, because he's the boss.
That does not mean your boss is not an asshole. Hence, no one here is upset with the Marine, just his ASSHOLE boss!
Yea but then you make Woodhouse eat spider webs to make you feel better.
None of the other three were marines?
I have a feeling I'll get a resounding NO from the Vets and those in the military. it somehow possible that this Marine took it upon himself to do this? Or is a good gesture towards his Commander in Chief totally off limits? Really asking. Do we know Obama told him to grab that umbrella and hold it over him?
"Why don't we get a couple of Marines — they're gonna look good next to us. Just 'cuz I — I've got a change of suits, but I don't know about our prime minister. There we go. (Gestures to press, which did not get Umbrella Marines.) You guys I'm sorry about."
He would not have moved from his position to hold the umbrella unless told to do so. I disagree with all three photos of Active members holding an umbrella, I understand they are Commander in Chief and for that they get my repsect but as a human they are no better than me.
So if he had called an Army Ranger over as opposed to a Marine, no one would have minded.Glad that's cleared up.
Well yeah. Everyone knows the Marines are prettier and have the best dress uniform. So they stand out more. This Marine will have his image etched in history. I wonder if he'll look back one day and talk about his time with the messiah!
The guy on the bottom right is half black? I get it and as red state as I am, a marine holding an umbrella for the prez doesn't bother me much. The IRS scandal, AP scandal, Bengazi, radical socialist idealism and entitlement attitudes all do.
Holy shoot. A reasonable response to "Umbrella Gate", aka "The Rhianna Conspiracy."
And maybe I'm picking nits, but to me it is 100% about the context of the timing.If this happened 2 weeks ago, I'd agree that any criticism of it would be way overblown.
I didn't post this for criticism. I posted it for humor. But as usual, Obama supporters cannot allow any kind of satire or sarcasm to be directed at the president. It was a big comedic fete when Bush was in office, but a mere picture of Obama being shielded by acid rain means we're just jealous Republicans who are raging against all things Blue.