Me thinks practices being too soft has sumpn to do wif it.
I'd buy that. We were sure as hell alot softer practicing for 2 weeks straight.
I think what I get tired of most is the need to improve here, need to improve there shit. There comes a point in time when the players are gonna have to fucking man up and whip someones ass. Like I said the coaches have let this become a shit storm and the blames on them for letting it get here. However, the coaching staff isn't gonna make a single block, catch one fucking pass, or throw one fucking pass for that matter. If you are a QB and a guy is 10 yards open, hit him in fucking stride. If you are a LBer and you see a hole open up, hit that motherfucker like a fucking mack truck. If you are an O-linemen or a D-lineman, grab the motherfucker thats in front of you, rip his fucking head off, and shit down his windpipe. Its fucking Division 1 football! Most of hese guys have been playing this sport their whole life. Time to fucking man up and own somebody.