It's the same tired ass story that we're all used to. Go into the half with a decent lead, come back out in the second half and fail to maintain it. That's ALWAYS been our story for as long as I can remember. I'm sick of this shit. We fucking shoved that ball down their goddamn throats for the first half and then we come back out and say "oh, hey, sorry. we forgot where we were playing. here, score a little and send us home with our tail between our legs." Fuck this shit, man. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!!!!!!!!! Unfuckingbelievable. A decent lead at the half and instead of ripping our their jugular and watching the blood squirt all over we let retard get into the locker at the half and feed his guys pudding. I gotta hand it to Tommy. Way to hand this one away like a nice three button coat at the Salvation Army.