Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this….......and totally redeem yourself!!
Austrian eh?
Well, throw another shrimp on the barbee
You know, until about six hours ago I did not know this website existed. I belong to over a half dozen Auburn sites. Yes, I launched a new website/blog two weeks ago which has no advertising on it. It's a satire site and I was urged to do it by quite a few people last year. I do it for fun. I joined over here to see who posted something over here and what the site is about when it showed up on google analytics. What's the first thing I get, a rude welcome. Thanks for making an Auburn man feel welcome...
Wasted words. His nuts shriveled up and he retreated to AUF to lick his scrotum wounds
My old high school VP used to say "school ain't for everybody". Neither is The X.
True, manginas should stick to aunationfamgayness.
or change names multiple times
Prayers lifted
Take it one lovelly day at a time.
Well, only time will tell.
I just want to help the team.