Surprised this hasn't been brought up yet:
For the record, this is possibly the most asinine piece of legislation I have ever heard of.
Even worse than similar laws in Alabama for alcoholic beverages. And that's saying a lot.
There was a great deal of ranting and raving going on about this over the weekend; I almost recall a mini-rant about this when GarMan, Sani, and Godfather were around but I'd had too many 12oz. adult beverages at the time. Ayatollah Bloomberg, in the height of irony, took time out of "Doughnut Day" celebrations to talk about his new ordinance (yes, kids, I did say that he was celebrating Doughnut Day even as he was enacting this ordinance...or trying to anyway). By the way, milkshakes are exempt from this ban because they are considered dairy products. So, if you're tired of drinking 16 oz. cokes and you can't get a Venti double latte then go to DQ...I'm sure they can set you up with a 40 oz. double chocolate milkshake...with whipped cream, a cherry, and a domed top!
And another people (yes, I said you people) were warned about Statist actions like this years ago but you weren't listening; you weren't listening when cigar smokers like myself sounded the alarm when Nanny Bloomberg enacted the citywide smoking ban which spread like wildfire across the country. I can hear you whiny-ass, beta-male, cigar haters now (
ewww...the smoke! :cough: :cough:...gross! ). We all said that if you support the Statists in doing this they'll come after something that you like next time...but no one listened. Now everyone is up in arms about this soda ban. Well. We told you. Next they'll tell you how much salt you can have on your food (oh, yes, Nanny Bloomberg has done that already and I'm sure once Obama-care kicks in it'll affect us too...there will have to be a black market for salt!) or whether you can eat red meat or have a Conecah snausage or use your grill to cook it (
OMG, the carbon! It's killing Mother Gaia!).
We told you.