Just throwing some numbers out here from December 30th and today.....
Weight- 224
A1c- 9.9
LDL- 164
HDL- 40
Triglycerides - 2400
Total Cholesterol- 435
Weight- 195
A1c- 6.3
LDL- 103
HDL- 77
Triglycerides- 100
Total Cholesterol- 115
When I say minimal exercise, I mean running after the kids and playing fetch with the dog. Mostly nothing. All I have done is tweaked the diet. When I was young I thought it was 80% exercise and 20% nutrition. I could eat anything I wanted and it would help, or so I thought. Then again I was running about 15 miles a week and getting at least an hour in the gym 5 days a week. Now I am convinced it's 70% nutrition and 30% exercise.
I went to a high fat, high protein and low carb diet. I haven't had bread and potatoes in a long while now. I was worried that my cholesterol would go through the roof, but I needed to do something to make my A1c's go down so I could have a better quality of life and not always feel fatigued and exhausted. The opposite happened. I also had a protein particle size profile done. Apparently I have the fat, fluffy particles instead of the tiny grains of sand. That is a good thing and what you actually want. Now, if I can get this 30% exercise going I might surprise myself in 3 months. Needless to say, I am pretty stoked today.