Another hijack, Ramsey sucks. Yes, the general theme of living within your means and "trying" to keep yourself debt free is awesome, but sometimes you can't do that. Like K said, working a shitty job making $8/hr, have a car payment, some CC debt? Whatever you do, don't take out that college loan and go to school at night to better yourself. <---dumb advice.
The worst one I heard on his show was to this young man calling in. Said he was tired of paying apartment rent at $600/month when he found a house that would have the same payment that he could fix up as he went along. Had a car payment, and $3,000 in credit car debt and was worried about his credit card debt keeping him from getting the best interest rates possible. This was his advice to the guy. Call the credit card company and tell them that you can't pay the $3,000 but could pay $1,500, then pay off the car as fast as possible or sell it and get one that you can pay cash for (and your $1,000 emergency fund), then go buy the house. Anyone else see the flaw in that other than myself? Forget that he might could have worked something out with the mortgage company to roll his CC debt in with the loan. Do people really take that advice? Yeah, call the CC company, work something out with them by not paying the full amount of your debt, let it go on your credit score and ruin it, then try and buy a house.