Chizad you also need to take the black and gold glasses off. I have no problems with the Saints and do think the punishment was a bit rough. However, I think the crux of the thing with Peyton wasn't the fact that they so much did it, but the cover up and lying afterwards.
Look, they probably could have been more forthcoming. Goodell obviously took it personal.
I maintain that when they were asking them about this bountygate shit, that they denied that there was any kind of system to intentionally hurt offensive players on opposing teams, which I genuinely believe just as much as I genuinely believe that Auburn never had diddly shit to do with a pay for play scandal with Cam Newton. They probably figured that since
every team in professional sports has a similar system, and the level of shadiness going on there is on par with a waiter not declaring his tips on his taxes to the fedgov, that it wasn't worth mentioning. Obviously a mistake they are paying for
way more than I feel it deserves.
I mean, in the
history of the NFL no head coach has ever been suspended one game. And they suspend Payton a whole fucking season? For this? Let alone the assistant head coach and the fucking GM for 8 and 6 games respectively. And Gregg Williams, apparently, for good. It's completely unprecedented. The Patriots straight up fucking cheated and got the fine portion of our penalty, which is obviously the smallest part.
I get that the Saints should have been penalized. The fine, and the two 2nd round picks. That's fair. But the punishment does not fit the crime, in spite of hatas hating.