Well, this is me saying I agree with everything I've read in his book so far.
And for the most part, agree with the video you just posted. I stated in the relevant thread that I was in support of things like e-verify, and other means of enforcing illegal immigration.

I, like most people who understand the Alabama bill, think it is insanely over the top, unenforceable, and takes a giant shit on the constitution.
Those two things do not equate anywhere but in your absolute, black and white, mind that is apparently only capable of dealing in extremes.
Approximately 15-20% of that bill might possibly be characterized as
over the top, but that's all. Every time somebody has a comment on it, they're referencing that same portion of the bill. Much of the bill seems fairly legit to me. Much of it seems easily enforceable. What's so damn unconstitutional about requiring that someone prove their citizenship before attending school, registering for government benefits, applying for a job, registering to vote, entering into a rental agreement or lease, or entering into any other business contract? If you understand the bill, why do you continually snag yourself on the most contentious portion of it and dismiss the entire thing as
insanely over the top, unenforceable, and takes a giant shit on the constitution? It's likely because you've only listened to the arguments against it. And with a yes-or-no question in the survey, you're only left with the extremes of all or none... But, the right answer is supposed to be "no" according to you.
Oh no... Here come the jackbooted thugs!