I heard Phillip Marshall on the radio a few months ago talking about how he never liked Paterno. Thought he was incredibly arrogant and an asshole...not in so many words. I'll take this moment to agree and say it makes me think of Paul Bryant also.
And to say that after listening to PM on the radio.....I now know why he is a writer. it was painful to listen to.
You should see PM in person. Affable guy, but a large, shuffling, slovenly grizzly of a man with a face a goonie could love. He dresses like he earned every bit of $2643.81 last year. His clothes are sometimes stained, he typically has food crumbs drifting down the front of them and they usually don't fit very well. On multiple occasions I've seen that belly line where the too-tight across the gut cotton polo rides up and the $5 Hagar rejects purchased at Burlington drop down beneath the girth. His questions sound like they're filtered through a sodden wall of oozing phlegm and then strained through a wad of wet cotton.
He's a big, affable nice guy and he writes somewhat better than a high schooler with a blog, but presentation-wise? The guy is a wrecked train.
Most AL writers are like that.
Marshall at least emanates some glimmer of intelligence.
Cecil Hurt's eyes are as dead and dumb as a tree sloth. He's hardly stylish either. The writers he hires for the TNews are all even dimmer than he is. And that's pretty fucking dim. The guy is one "o" short of moron. Plus he's a terrible writer. Abysmal.
I've seen Tommy Deas with leaves in his hair and a squirrel crawling out of his back pocket.
Most of them dress like they don't have two nickels or a pot to put them in and if they DID have two nickels they'd spend them on gravy at Ryan's (and spill a nickel's worth down their shirt front).
Scarbinsky (he was metrosexual before metro existed) and Finebaum (Ichabod is usually squared away and has on a tie),