Interested in Oaks? Are you a Druid? Cuz we don't take kindly to folks getting nekkid and dancing around our trees during Winter Solstice... **
We might tolerate a shrubber - are you a shrubber?
Do you still hold a grudge for that little fracas where we kicked y'all's ass back in 1776?
Do you wish you could bend it like Bekham or do you think he is a total douche?
Does the world come to an end if you don't get some damn tea and crumpets at 4:00 sharpish every afternoon?
And most importantly, what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
At least with the time difference, you and nookie can keep each other company while the rest of us sleep.
** And before you guys get all "Now just hold on there about not allowing the nekkid Druid wimminz..." I do NOT recommend that Google search...