Im a bit of a fast food snob. I dont go to the "scum of the ghetto working behind the counter and doesnt give 2 shits about the customer" type of place USUALLY. This is why I like Chick Fil A. Everytime Ive been they bend over backwards (go ahead make a joke here) and are almost too polite. Its like a training school for mormons or something, as if the Osmonds all work there. I laugh about that, but the customer service is grade A. Subway is good most of the time due to their assembly line nature but Ive had a few bad experiences there, but its the exception not the rule.
Im with K, Fuck McD's and the ghetto employees that dont even have an IQ of 43. BK, Wendys, Krystal and KFC arent far behind them. Every other time I go to KFC to get some original recipe, they are out and it will be 20 mins for a new batch... You are out???? of Chicken????? Ive literally stormed out of there on many occasions.
Anyone ever been to Los Pollos Hermanos? I hear the chicken is top shelf.