The author of this article seems pissed. "Hasn't this guy seen Forrest Gump! I mean, come on! Six national championships! Gah!"
Actually...I'm pretty sure the author was taking an implicit jab at Montgomery.
"Bear Bryant" (or any variation thereof) was never mentioned in the movie Forrest Gump. Shown? Yes, but he was never referred to by name. At least, I don't recall his name being mentioned. Thus, the only way you'd even know it was Bear Bryant is if you were familiar with his iconic appearance and the fact that he coached at Alabama.
Considering that Montgomery had never even heard the guy's name, I'm relatively sure he wouldn't know what he looks like or that he was at Alabama...and thus the Forrest Gump comment seems to be an attempt to call Montgomery a tardbomb by referencing a movie about a tardbomb football player.